Academic Tutoring and Test Preparation in Chicago, IL


Let us help you find the perfect tutor

Arbor Tutors can support parents and students by matching them with a top-performing, compatible, and enthusiastic tutor in Chicago, IL.

The Best of the Best - Each of our talented tutors undergo selective application criteria, a multi-step interview process, and a rigorous training program. Less than 10% of tutor applicants are hired as Arbor Tutors. We also make great effort to accurately match a student with the perfect tutor given his or her needs. Students and families can add additional tutors or change tutors at anytime. Learn more about Our Tutors here.

Customized Learning - Our expert Chicago tutors create lesson plans which are individualized for each student. We use each student’s strengths, abilities and problem areas to make an individualized plan.

In-Person or Online - Arbor Tutors provides local tutors in Chicago who can meet at a convenient time for you. All of our sessions our one-on-one either in-person or online. Whether at your home, a public location or online, Arbor Tutors can provide the best tutoring experience for you in Chicago. Our client services department is open 24 hours a day to help each client and ensure that any issues are promptly resolved.

Our Services

Academic Tutoring


Our Chicago tutors can help your high school or college student achieve great success in a variety of different subjects areas. Arbor Tutors has been preparing students in Chicago for years in all subjects and exams. Please see the table below for a list of the subjects we tutor.


Test Preparation


Students in Chicago who are studying for AP exams, preparing for exams such as the SAT®, ACT®, GMAT®, GRE®, LSAT® and MCAT® can count on Arbor Tutors to help them meet their goals. Every Arbor tutor applies focused one-on-one attention, mentorship and coaching for each student.


Score Guarantee*

Test Guaranteed Score*
SAT® 1500+
ACT® 33+
GMAT® 720+
GRE® 330+
LSAT® 170+
MCAT® 517+

Arbor Tutors offers a Score Guarantee* on select tutoring packages, which guarantees the student will achieve a minimum score on the SAT®, ACT®, GMAT®, GRE®, LSAT® and MCAT®. Please speak with one of our educational consultants for details.

*Score guarantees apply only to specific tutoring packages. Please speak with an educational consultant for details and restrictions.


Our Subjects



AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
Algebra I
Algebra II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Differential Equations
Elementary Math
Finite Mathematics


Essay Writing 

College Entrance Exams

SAT Reading
SAT Writing
SAT Mathematics
ACT Reading
ACT Writing
ACT English
ACT Math
ACT Science
SAT Subject Tests


Anatomy & Physiology
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Elementary Science
Earth Science

Social Studies

U.S. History
World History
Middle School Social Studies
High School Social Studies
World Civilization

Graduate Exams

GRE Quantitative
GRE Verbal
GMAT Quantitative
GMAT Verbal
MCAT Biological
MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
MCAT Physical
MCAT Social and Behavioral Sciences
LSAT Analytical
LSAT Essay
LSAT Logical
LSAT Reading



AP Classes

AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP English Literature
AP English Language
AP European History
AP Government & Politics
AP U.S. History
AP World History


Recent Tutoring Reviews


Call us to connect with a top Chicago tutor

(888) 677-3507

The Chicago School System

Chicago is the 3rd largest American city by population with 2,716,450 residents. The Chicago Public School system reported overseeing 660 schools, including 484 elementary schools and 176 high schools. The Chicago Public School system serves over 396,000 students.


Universities near Chicago

College Number of Students National Rank Acceptance Rate
University of Chicago 14,500 3 8%
Northwestern University 21,000 10 13%
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 45,000 46 66%
Loyola University Chicago 16,500 89 71%
DePaul University 23,500 119 72%
University of Illinois at Chicago 29,000 129 77%
Illinois State University 21,000 171 88%
Southern Illinois University 14,500 226 80%
Northern Illinois University 20,000 240 50%
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